

Larry C Johnson   December 16, 2023

These three names — Yotam Haim, Samar Talalka and Alon Lulu Shamriz — may prove to be the catalyst that removes Bibi Netanyahu from office and sends him to prison. (From my laptop to God’s ears.) Israeli soldiers murdered these three fellow Israelis. It was not a frigging accident. This is a deliberate policy of murder taught to frontline troops and exercised by their commanders. This is what Israel has been doing for more than two months to Palestinians since the start of the Israeli attack on Gaza.

We now have definitive proof that this video, which I used in my piece last night, is not an aberration. It is Israeli military doctrine. Kill Palestinian men if you got the chance.

This conduct by the Israeli Army leads one to conclude that the IOF is comprised largely of untrained, vicious baboons, fueled by racist hatred and commanded by cowards and incompetents. I am royally pissed off. Are you familiar with the aphorism — You fight like you train and you train like you fight! Just look at how Israel is fighting. The now dead Israeli hostages — the three guys shot down in cold blood by at least two Israeli soldiers — knew what their “comrades” were capable of. That is why they stripped off their shirts and hoisted a white flag. A professional army would accept that as a valid surrender.

According to a senior officer in the Southern Command, citing an initial probe, the incident began after one soldier stationed in a building identified three suspicious figures exiting a building several dozen meters away.

All three were shirtless, with one of the figures carrying a stick with a makeshift white flag, according to the investigation.

The soldier, who believed the men moving toward him was an attempt by Hamas to lure IDF soldiers into a trap, immediately opened fire and shouted “terrorists!” to the other forces.

According to the probe, that soldier killed two of the men, while the third, who was hit and wounded, fled back into the building from which he came.

At that stage, the commander of the battalion, who was also in the building where the soldier shot from, went outside and called on the forces to halt their fire.

Meanwhile, sounds of someone shouting “Help” in Hebrew were heard by the troops in the area.

Moments later, the third man came out of the building to which he fled, and another soldier opened fire at him, killing him.

Israeli officers are brutal clowns. There were officers present when the two soldiers fired on UNARMED MEN trying to surrender. The officers waited until all three of the Israeli hostages were dead before they issued a ceasefire command. Trained soldiers, who are taught lawful rules of engagement, would not have done such a thing. You issue an order for the men to get on the ground, spread eagle and then you approach to ensure they do not have any concealed weapons. But that is not what these malevolent buffoons did. They murdered unarmed men.

Netanyahu and his team of war criminals are trying to paint this as just an unfortunate accident. Bullshit!! These soldiers were doing what they had been trained to do. The Israeli Occupation Force aka IOF does not train its soldiers to discriminate between armed and unarmed personnel. If the person is a suspected Palestinian he is a dead man walking. Here’s another reminder that this is standard practice:

There are many people around the world who labor under the false belief that Israel’s objectives in their current military operation is to destroy Hamas and rescue the hostages. I call nonsense on that too. Israel has one objective — force all Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank out of land that Israel wants to possess permanently. That is the objective. That is why the IOF is destroying all the hospitals, schools, critical infrastructure, food markets and gas stations in Gaza. Make the place unlivable and force the Palestinians to go elsewhere.

This is not just the policy of Netanyahu and few extremist crazies in his government; this is a goal embraced by the overwhelming majority of Israelis, including the so-called liberals. Israel is in the process of creating a new generation of terrorists that will haunt the Israeli state for years to come. But there are prominent people in America, such as RFK Jr., who deny what is happening. It is unbelievable:

This piece of video alone disqualifies Kennedy as a serious candidate for President in my opinion. He’s seen no evidence? What the hell is wrong with him? Is he holed up in a dark room with his eyes closed? Shameful.

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